
Advanced Materials and Manufacturing Processes

Directed Energy Additive Manufacturing

Space-3 Technologies has extensive experience with directed-energy wire-feed additive manufacturing (AM) methods, using electron-beam, laser, pulsed laser, and pulsed arc sources of energy. Large-format AM of rocket nozzle skirts, turbine engine cases and ducts, large lay-up tooling for carbon composites, and other structures has been the focus of R&D for the past decade. Scaling down AM deposition using pulsed laser methods enables buildup onto small, thin (0.015”) features for fabrication and repair. This capability, unique to Space-3 Technologies, has been developed for very-low heat input, low-distortion applications where many other AM methods would overpower and distort intricate components. This low-energy AM method is well suited for Lunar and in-space AM and fabrication methods as the effects of near-zero gravity that make other metallic AM methods difficult to accomplish, do not affect the pulsed-laser approach. The experience of manufacturing integrally cooled rocket nozzle skirts completely from AM and gaining significant NASA test-stand hot-fire testing and run time has validated the approach the Space-3 methods have developed. There are extensive opportunities for low-energy, low-distortion AM methods using Space-3’s pulsed laser technology – let’s discuss your applications.

 Advanced Materials for Propulsion and Structures

Space-3 engineers are materials and process specialists with expertise in alloys used for gas-turbine and rocket engine components including titanium alloys, nickel-base superalloys, high-strength aluminum and steel alloys, iron-based alloys, and refractory alloys. Their expertise extends into processing methods such as forging and isothermal forging, casting, diffusion bonding, fusion welding, friction-stir welding, extrusion, heat treatment and thermal cycles, and thermo-mechanical processing for microstructural conditioning and tailoring. They have unique experience with directed-energy additive manufacturing with capabilities for EBAM, laser wire-feed, pulsed arc wire feed, pulsed laser, and blown-powder AM methods. The scale of capability ranges from large-format AM to macro-scale pulsed laser AM.

In-Space and Lunar Surface Manufacturing

We are experts in directed-energy additive manufacturing and have produced some of the largest AM parts ever made for aerospace testing and development. Since additive manufacturing is one of the primary solutions for in-space or lunar surface manufacturing, our extensive understanding of the physics and metallurgy of AM enable us to develop innovative methods and approaches for generating functional structural shapes that begin with the available raw materials and limited energy present on the moon.

Applying Titanium to Marine Applications

The application of titanium alloys for lightweight, noncorrosive parts, fittings, and components is gaining in popularity. Concepts where titanium is used for advanced hull designs and major vessel systems are being developed and demonstrated.  Concepts for attritable, low-cost autonomous vessels made using additive manufacturing is an emerging technology gaining interest.  Space-3 Technologies can help navigate the methods for fabricating and manufacturing with titanium alloys. Working with BoldMar Marine, Space-3 has developed titanium parts like high-performance anchor system for larger yachts.


Port St. Lucie, FL, 34987, US

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